Dave's Feedback for Ariana's Moving Objects

What is your favorite part of the moving image object?

There are some really beautiful shots in there, the music is great. I like the motif of the flowering rose. 


To what extent is the video successful in capturing and retaining your attention? What suggestions do you have? 

The opening shot and music I think are strong at grabbing attention, there isn't a lot going on in the next few shots until the waves crash. This is a very slow, "majestic" piece so I'm not sure how appropriate it would be to pick up the pace...that being said some of the shots linger around a little long. You could always find a few more shots (I'm guessing a lot of this is stock footage?) to insert without rushing the pacing. 


What story does the moving image object tell? What is its meaning? What is the audience take-away? What changes can you recommend?

If I didn't know the story before hand, I would be thinking heavily of nature. The emptiness of the chair and the room call attention to something is missing or a certain loneliness. Returning frequently to the shots of the horse and the rose call attention to those subjects as key signifiers. Towards the end there are several nature shots back to back, followed by several shots presumably inside the castle. These shots are seemingly non-descript, not sure what is trying to be communicated with the table, floor etc.  The winter shot provides a clear transition of time, but there doesn't appear to be a solving of the loneliness/emptiness problem presented at the beginning.



What strategies does the video use to communicate? Where might it be muddy or unclear and what suggestions do you have?

OR How do the technical aspects (shots, sound, editing, effects, lighting, etc) of the video lend themselves to narrative an narrativity?


Most of the shots are strong, a few of them from the pirate scenes are low quality. It sticks out because most of the other shots are high res. By and large the shots are what I would call "fantastic" or "majestic" especially paired with the music, which ties in well with the adventure or fantasy element. It's really just the lack of a subject and that subject's actions that are preventing a stronger narrative. 


What/where are the strengths and weaknesses of the moving image object?


This is pretty well covered above. 


What signifying strategies could be incorporated to strengthen narrativity? Are there any strategies that should be downplayed or eliminated?


You could always try to insert some text or title screen so provide us some clues as to the narrativity. I know it would not be easy to try to show live action shots of your subjects/story. Or perhaps incorporating some of your stills from the previous project. 


For remixed materials, how does the moving image object build upon / amplify / recontextualize these materials? How can the author make his or her mark?