Chas' Feedback for June's Sound Object

1. To what degree does this sound object succeed at creating narrativity? Where can you offer suggestions for improvement?


     The opening first minute succeeds quite strongly in creating narrativity by opening each interview segment with the question "Are you a feminist?" The ensuing interviews jump from person to person relatively quickly, and this impresses upon the listener the central thrust of the piece in short order. I would recommend continuing this "red thread" throughout the entirety of the piece  – opening each segment with "Are you a feminist?" and then allowing the interviewee to digress on what that actually means to them. 


2. Does the sound object succeed in sounding appealing or strategically using discord? Why or why not?


     I think this a relatively straight-forward, highly concrete topic that doesn't employ an artistic use discord or other ambient sound effects. Doing so would probably distract from the topic at hand and unnecessarily muddle the piece. So in that respect, I think June was right not employ any ambient/discordant effects here. 


3. How faithfully does the sound object convey the source material? Where might it deviate and/or where is it strongest?


     As these are edited segments of longer interview,  its a bit difficult to say without knowing the full context of the source material. I think the most compelling segments are happen around the 1:30 (ish ?) mark, when the interviewee talks a little bit about the Carter/Regan era and how far things have progressed since then. 


4. How successful is the sound object in terms of its technical qualities? What suggestions can you offer?


     While some audio cleanup could be done to eliminate a bit of white noise in the background, overall I thought the piece was sufficiently clear. The background noise may in fact, lend a nice aura of "authenticity" or intimacy to the piece, since having a bit of background noise brings the listener into the living room of the subject. 


5. What general suggestions do you have for additions, deletions, revisions? Can you think of alternative pieces of music, software, applications, etc. that would enhance the sound object?


     Aside from what I mentioned in Point#1 about the "red thread" I would just recommend chopping off the last 1 min and 8 secs in order to meet the time requirements, and to keep the subject focused on feminism as it relates to film making.