
6374 Reading Response Instructions Spring 14

Page history last edited by kknight 11 years ago


EMAC 6374 Reading Response Instructions

Spring 2014



  • To help students identify their questions and areas of interest in a text prior to class discussion.

  • To give students practice in communicating complex ideas succinctly.

  • To help students enter into the larger community of emerging media scholars.



Class discussions are more satisfying when everyone has actively engaged with the text and when they bring their ideas and questions to the class meeting. To that end, students will post discussion questions and/or responses to one another on Twitter  in advance of our meetings.


The Specs:

  • 3 - 8 Tweets per week from a public Twitter account
    • These may include Re-tweets and responses to classmates
    • These are separate from the resource sharing tweets or any tweets as part of in-class discussion. See the Participation Assignment Sheet for more info on these other uses of Twitter.
  • Use the hashtag #digitaltext


Technical Support:



Reading responses are part of your participation grade.


As a class we brainstormed criteria for satisfactory completion of this assignment (see the images below). Based on this brainstorm, Kim developed the grading rubric, copied below from the participation assignment sheet.


Reading Responses

(See 6374 Participation Assignment Sheet )

The student tweets a minimum of 8 times per week in response to the course readings. The tweets always extend beyond simplistic agreement or disagreement to expand, post questions, or offer relevant examples. Tweets include relevant links, references to specific locations in the text(s), and strategic use of hashtags, including the class hashtag.

The student tweets a minimum of 5 times per week in response to the course readings. The tweets consistently extend beyond simplistic agreement or disagreement to expand, post questions, or offer relevant examples. Tweets include relevant links, references to specific locations in the text(s), and strategic use of hashtags, including the class hashtag.
The student tweets a minimum of 3 times per week in response to the course readings. The tweets more often than not extend beyond simplistic agreement or disagreement to expand, post questions, or offer relevant examples. Tweets include relevant links, references to specific locations in the text(s), and strategic use of hashtags, including the class hashtag.
The student may tweet less frequently than three times per week, may be off topic, may use hashtags or media poorly, may merely offer paraphrase or simplistic agreement or disagreement, or the student may fail to submit tweets on time. 
 The student rarely tweets, tweets completely off topic, or tweets in such a way that hir messages are incomprehensible.


Timeline and Due Dates:


Reading Responses are due by 11:59 pm on Wednesday evenings.



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