Eva's Feedback for Tiffany's Moving Image

How effective or transformative is the use of found footage or borrowed materials? In what ways can this be improved? Is proper attribution given?

The entire video was original so no attribution needed. 


What can be added or removed to improve the pacing or "flow" of the media object?

What if you had instrumental music that with a fast pace playing in the background, it might make the situation seem even more hectic. 


How does the moving image object convey meaning and how does it compare with the other media objects?

I like that all of your objects are different "stories" but they convey one general message. While I think all of your objects are strong, I think my favorite are your sound and this moving image.


How do all of the media forms add to or diminish the finished object? In what ways does it make use of the unique affordances of moving image?

I think all of the forms add to each other, obviously. However, I also feel that they could each stand alone and give a pretty strong portrayal of what your overall narrative has been. 


What is your favorite thing about the moving image object?

I like that you were able to use your family to demonstrate how hectic the mornings can be. I definitely can see how this situation would happen with people. It makes me remember when my mom would try and force me out of bed to go to school. I like that no actions in the video were made to be "pretty" or overdone. It was very real and plausible.