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Page history last edited by Allison Miller 10 years, 11 months ago

[Prezi] Review

by [Allison Miller]



Prezi is a cloud-based presentation software that opens up a new world between whiteboards and slides. The zoomable canvas can be used to further emphasis a point or bring attention to different area of the slide. It is a more advanced and seamless version of PowerPoint, used to lessen time and unwanted clicking in presentations.


Prezi (user made intro video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxhqD0hNx4Q





Found at www.prezi.com 



Sample Usage

Include any sample media objects you made using this tool


Tips, tricks, and tutorials


The official Prezi Youtube channel offers tutorials for almost every aspect of their site.



Getting started with Prezi (tutorial)




What the Tool Does Well


-    Cloud storage makes access to your work easy, wherever you are.

-     Able to present from desktop, ipad, or iphone

-     Collaboration for up to 10 people on one presentation

-     Can present live online (with those who have the link)

-     Licenses available to protect your work

-     Can save work on desk top as opposed to cloud storage

-     Allows for 30 day trail (in enjoy/pro)


What it Does Poorly


-    Have to pay to keep your work private

-     Network can be can be SLOW

-     Can only work offline with Pro account

-     Limited storage space

-     Limited amount of collaborative members (10)

-     Limited amount of “real time viewers” online (30)

-     Users cannot follow a live presentation from iphone or ipad



What happens when you...


Prezi’s have become popular multimedia resumes (Prezumes).





Additional Resources


A competitor to Prezi




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