Feedback from Autumn

What is unclear or confusing about the work?


     Nothing is unclear, and it is very ascetically pleasing. The only thing is that by clicking on the words it only takes you to the google search and not the actual web page. 


Does this work reach the intended audience? Why or why not?


     Yes, anyone looking at this can easily figure out the purpose and use it as it is intended to be used.  


In what ways does this form support the content?


     Ascetically pleasing, visual cues, and easy to interact with. I easpecially like that when you hoover over a word it gets bigger and turns horizontally, making it easier to read. 


What would you add or subtract from this work?


     Maybe add some more words? And just make to links go to a specific page / website / video, rather than just the google search. 


What does the reader take away from this piece?


     Reader can interact with a fun text based interaction promoting a UTD harlem shake video.  


*If adapting material, how does this work amplify or bring new perspective to the meaning of the source material?