
6374 Reading Response Instructions Spring 13

Page history last edited by kknight 12 years ago


EMAC 6374 Reading Response Instructions

Spring 2013



  • To help students identify their questions and areas of interest in a text prior to class discussion.

  • To give students practice in communicating complex ideas succinctly.

  • To help students enter into the larger community of emerging media scholars.



Class discussions are more satisfying when everyone has actively engaged with the text and when they bring their ideas and questions to the class meeting. To that end, students will post discussion questions and/or responses to one another to Twitter in advance of our meetings.


The Specs:

  • Post a minimum of 3 reading-related tweets each week.

  • Tag each tweet with the class tag: #digitaltext



Technical Support:



Reading responses are part of your participation grade.


As a class we brainstormed criteria for satisfactory completion of this assignment (see the images below). Based on this brainstorm, Kim developed the grading rubric, copied below from the participation assignment sheet.


Reading Responses

(See 6374 Participation Assignment Sheet )

Five or more tweets per week that reference the assigned texts and consistently add something. They are intelligible, include the class hashtag, and may ask questions, make statements, or reply to classmates. The student does not over-rely on replying to others and includes any necessary trigger warnings for content.. Four or more tweets per week that reference the assigned texts and generally add something. They are intelligible, include the class hashtag, and may ask questions, make statements, or reply to classmates. The student does not over-rely on replying to others and includes any necessary trigger warnings for content.. Three tweets per week that reference the assigned texts, are intelligible, include the class hashtag, and ask questions, make statements, or reply to classmates. The student does not over-rely on replying to others and includes any necessary trigger warnings for content.
Fewer than three tweets per week or tweets may quote without context, ask vague questions, engage in unconstructive criticism, or simplistic agreement or disagreement. Student may fail to include trigger warnings for content when necessary.
Tweets are off-topic, engage in trolling, or do not contain the class hashtag.


Timeline and Due Dates:


Discussion questions are due by 11:59 pm on Wednesday evenings.




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