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Magisto Review

Page history last edited by Cameron Gallucci 10 years, 10 months ago


Review by Yvonne Villescas 

Re-Reviewed by Mandy Sigman

Cameron Gallucci Contributions



Magisto is a video editing application available on the web at www.magisto.com, YouTube Create, and smart phone devices This free tool is available for editing both new and pre-existing videos on both iOS and Androids. 


“Magisto takes your long boring videos, captures the gist of them and creates an amazing movie that you’ll be proud to share.” – Magisto Website



Four Steps: 1.) Pick Videos *shoot through Magisto or select from your existing library. 2.) Include Still Shots If Desired. 3.) Select Soundtrack; pick from Magisto's library or upload your own. Just be careful with copyright. 4.) Add Title (not required) … “and that’s it! Even your cat can do it!” Magisto is the perfect video creation tool for amateurs.




REQUIRED FOR TOOLS:  The necessaries are pretty simple, one more reason this is such an appealing app for amateurs. The recording capabilities of both you and your device are the sheer basics, and nothing more is needed than a smartphone or computer and an Internet connection. 


COST & ACCESS: Sign up for the free basics through Facebook or email. This limits you to one-minute movies and a selection of twelve themes. If you want lengthier time and more designs to choose from, upgrade to the $4.99 a month plan or the one-year-premium for $17.99.





Majesto is an open public platform. Keep in mind that by permitting Majesto's access to your clips (editing process) you sign off on ownership rights and permit free access to the general public. Essentially, Majesto is the director, editor, and producer, which leaves you with no dictation over what clips are omitted or how the roll flows. Majesto determines what the more "interesting" and "relevant" parts of the video are, which leaves you with no control over length. What they see is what you get.

You cannot edit a video after it is produced (posting has nothing to do with it) though Magisto does provide a remix feature that will allow you to tweak your movie after production.




There is little knowledge of editing required to produce an impressive video. Expensive, strenuous programs are also omitted from the picture. Magisto works in correlation with YouTube (one more Google snag) to permit open video edits for any clients who have content already uploaded to the platform. Users can share both content and accounts, via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and email. This also gives you the liberty of tagging friends who appear in your videos. Similar to CuteCUT in regards to its timeliness, the one thing to keep in mind is you exchange one for the other.  Users are provided with options of preference, so do you want faster uploads OR higher quality?



To get a longer video, Magisto suggests uploading more video, and after selecting your video theme and music proceed to ‘Movie Length’ to specify desired length of your video. Once again, you cannot control all of the content that goes in; Magisto automatically removes the portions of your video it deems “less interesting.”

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