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Danelle's Moving Tool Reiew

Page history last edited by Danelle 13 years, 6 months ago

     Intervue Me


Intervue me offers people the chance to submit questions about any subject, and answered in an involved method. The user can invite and/or share their questions with anyone.


To answer the questions the user would need to create an account by simply signing up with an email address and have access to a webcam. The responses can be made private or public.


When enough responses have been gathered the Intervue can be changed to non-active, and the answers can be downloaded.


This tool is a very useful method to gather opinions and responses in a non-traditional way. Intervue Me is great for polls, various projects, and whatever information one needs answers for.


A couple of down sides is the amount of time it may take for people to reply. If the questions are just posted on the public wall, it may take a great amount of time before obtaining enough responses. To generate enough answers in a certain amount of time, the interviewer could send and share links with friends and/or whoever they’re trying to reaching out to. Also, a webcam is required to answer questions. 






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