Adobe Photoshop Express

Adobe Photoshop Express (iPhone, iPad, Android)


Photoshop Express is a free simple app for photo editing and sharing.  Essentially it's a simplified version of Photoshop.  The app includes orientation tools such as straighten and rotate (as well as crop), color balance tools, simple effects and border tools as well.  Common effect styles such as pop and vignette are ready made to instantly change your photo instead of requiring the same tricks to achieve common goals.  Levels for these effects are achieved by sliding from left to right like a bar.  Again since this is a lite version of Photoshop the tools and levels are very simple.  It does allow for a greater range of effects than the standard photo app (and most free apps).  Included is a simple sharing scheme.  Users can share images with Facebook or Twitter or setup an account with to share finished photos anywhere.  The app allows users to pull photos from the current device library or to take the image within the app itself.  While taking pictures within the app it has a digital zoom feature not native to the iPhone camera app. 


As I've said, the app is limited since it's made to work on a phone.  Higher level tools like layers, color bit changes, and filters are absent.  I would personally like the app more if it allowed one to copy and paste images together (this might be possible but I haven't found a way to do so as of yet).  For what it is, the app is still pretty useful.  For small instant fixes for a quick upload to twitter or facebook (or even a remote blogpost) it's suited perfectly.  For more advanced work you would need a computer anyway.