Visualization Resources Index
Page history
last edited
by Karyn Narramore 8 years, 11 months ago
Examples of Data Visualization (incl Text and Social Networks)
Further Reading / Resources
Where to Find Data
- Data.gov
- ManyEyes
- Amazon Public Datasets
- Datamob
- Natural Earth
- Various Data Sets on mathforum.org
- US Census
- BYU Text Corpora
- includes American English texts from 1990 forward, British English from the late 20th century, TIME Magazine, and an alternative interface to the Google N-grams corpus
- http://corpus.byu.edu/
- Data about UT Dallas
- Top 10 Visualization Tools for Social Media, Blogosphere, Internet and News
- 10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics
- Types of Map visualizations
- Brian Croxall Tutorial on building interactive timelines
Data Visualization and Analysis Tools (alphabetical)
- ArcGIS

- Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
- Public data sets available for use; You pay for the computing power and storage of your project; Probably overkill for this class.
- https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/
- Bookworm
- CartoDB
- Crowdmap
- https://crowdmap.com/
- "1. Collect information from cell phones, news and the web. 2. Aggregate that information into a single platform. 3. Visualize it on a map and timeline."
- Cytoscape
- Dipity
- EduServ Twitter Summarizer
- Gephi
- Free, open source visualization software; possibly more firepower than needed for this class...
- http://gephi.org/
- Google Fusion Table

- Google NGrams

- Google Public Data
- Google Refine
- "Google Refine is a power tool for working with messy data, cleaning it up, transforming it from one format into another, extending it with web services, and linking it to databases like Freebase."
- http://code.google.com/p/google-refine/
- Google Trends
- Hohli

- IBM's ManyEyes

- Import.io
- Cloud-based Web Data Platform & Web Scraping Tool
- https://www.import.io
- Leaflet
- MediaCloud
- http://www.mediacloud.org/dashboard/view/1?q1=94946
- Map news stories visually
- "Media Cloud is an open source, open data platform that allows researchers to answer quantitative questions about the content of online media. Using Media Cloud, researchers, journalism critics and interested citizens can examine what media sources cover which stories, what language different media outlets use in conjunction with different stories, and how stories spread from one media outlet to another." (mediacloud.org)
- Muse
- Neatline
- "allows scholars, students, and curators to tell stories with maps and timelines"
- http://neatline.org/
- Netlytic

Visualization Resources Index
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