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Twitter Resources (Common)

Page history last edited by kknight 12 years, 3 months ago

Some find that the actual Twitter.com interface is not the most useful way to read Twitter.


Here are some third-party sites and applications that you might find more useful:


Used Where? (browser, device, etc.)
Brizzly browser, iphone, ipad $0 unknown simple & clean interface, shows conversations, allows RT with comments, picture and video sharing; very good at searching back over as periods as long as a day ago.
unclear whether it connects to Twitter using a secure connection, URL shortener is twitchy
Hootsuite browser

$0 (std)

$6/mo premium

SSL connection Customizable "feeds" or columns, shows conversations, allows RT with comments, "reply all" function, picture and video sharing, URL shortener ad heavy; the multi-column set up can be info overload for some; retrieval only seems to go back a few hours.
Echofon iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, browser $0 unknown Automatically synchs between devices if you have them all installed and under one account (don't read or have to skip tweets you've already read). Automatically shortens links when you tweet, customizeable notifications, can upload pictures (have 3 platforms/sites to choose from), automatically brings up names when you type @ and one letter: http://www.echofon.com/ Does require ads, link shortener doesn't happen till you've already tweeted, so unsure how many characters it ends up being, sometimes it's unable to synch up with Twitter and can't download DMs, mentions, or tweet stream



List of Twitter User Names for the class:

You should follow Kim (http://twitter.com/#!/purplekimchi) as well as all of your classmates. You should use a public account. 



Some of the authors we are reading, whom you might consider following:




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